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Four Ways Language Service Providers Can Help their Customers Overcome Quality Challenge

As an overriding trend, it is no surprise to see that the quality of quick translation services in San Francisco is the dominating concern of most people and how it can be maintained at scale with increasing demand. With increasing content, organizations are finding it harder to address the task of maintaining quality at scale. Maintaining quality is the top challenge for companies now, and it is anticipated to be the top challenge 5 years from now.

To meet the large-scale demand for translations whilst maintaining high quality, we think that connections matter. The connections between the individuals working together, between the systems and processes of two companies, between humans and technology. Collaboration is key, and here are four ways that LSPs can work with their customers to achieve their common goals:

Build trust to confidently share resources

According to research, 40% of those outsourcing quick translation services in San Francisco are not sharing their resources (translation memories, terminology databases etc.) with those they outsource to. This scenario is most likely to have a negative effect on the quality of the translations and increase time spent on reviewing and editing. LSPs are generally used to working with different clients and being flexible according to the needs of each one, so the next step is to develop stronger connections with each customer and understand their expectations relating to quality.

Manage consistency and quality effectively

Terminology is hugely important for most corporate companies and needs to be kept consistent. However, there is still an opportunity as an LSP to provide additional guidance to their clients on the importance of sharing the terminology resources that have already been created, ensuring that you and your customers are agreed on how terminology should be managed for each project.

Embrace technology for greater collaboration

As an LSP, project management tools that allow greater collaboration and automation to free up your project manager’s time from everyday admin so they can spend more time talking with clients are essential. Thus LSPs and their clients should discuss the different types of technology that can enable efficient, productive ways of working together and look for new solutions for problems that are no longer being solved by current technology.

Keep up the communication

Finally, build your connections, define your processes and try to work with each customer as one large team rather than two different teams, so that any issues can be resolved quickly. It always comes back to connections: to achieve the highest standards in what we do, we need to know how to work together. Achieving high-quality output is more than just each individual’s input; each part of the process needs to fit together so that the sum is greater than its parts.

Blog, quick translation services