All posts by Maria Jose Hernandez

The Importance of Language in Refugee Relocation: A Vital Lifeline

Language is a powerful tool that bridges cultures, fosters understanding, and facilitates essential communication. For refugees, language can be a lifeline that connects them to safety, support, and a new beginning. As global conflicts and crises displace millions, the role of language services becomes ever more critical in aiding refugees’ relocation and integration into new communities.


The Role of Language in Refugee Relocation

When refugees flee their home countries, they often find themselves in foreign lands where the language, customs, and systems are entirely unfamiliar. This language barrier can exacerbate their vulnerability, making it difficult to access vital services, navigate legal systems, or even communicate their basic needs.


1. Access to Services: Language services ensure refugees can access healthcare, legal aid, and social services. Interpreters and translators help bridge the gap, providing clear communication between refugees and service providers. This is crucial for understanding medical instructions, legal rights, and educational opportunities.


2. Emotional Support: Relocation can be a traumatic experience. Language interpreters offer not only translation but also emotional support, helping refugees feel heard and understood. This empathetic connection can significantly alleviate the stress and anxiety associated with their situation.


3. Integration and Community Building: Language is key to integrating into new communities. By learning the local language, refugees can participate more fully in social, educational, and economic activities. Language services also promote cultural exchange and understanding, fostering more inclusive communities.


Maria’s Story: A Beacon of Hope

Maria, a Spanish interpreter at Homeland Language Services, shares a poignant story that highlights the profound impact of language services in refugee relocation:

“I’m Maria, a Spanish interpreter at Homeland Language Services. I’m a member of Rotary International, an organization dedicated to community service and developing communities, with the goal of promoting world peace. I am also part of an international LGBT+ group.

Last year, a person contacted us from Uganda (he is now a refugee in South Africa). Being LGBT+ in Uganda has been dangerous for a while, and last year, it became illegal. It’s a strange reality, considering that in our Latin American countries, we have multiple human rights recognized, including marriage. But, anyway, it became illegal, and he suddenly was in a very complex situation.

He lost his job, his tenant wouldn’t rent to him anymore, and shelters were impossible to get. Through a lot of work, contacts, raising funds, and all, we were able to get him some money to survive for a couple of months. In the meantime, a fellow Rotarian was able to get him a passport to get to South Africa.

It was really intense yet satisfying work. Of course, there are many in his situation. He happened to contact us because he had heard about Rotary, and through a chain of contacts and people, we were able to give him a new opportunity for a new, free life.

Our goal is not necessarily to work for individuals or give money as a charity, but in a situation like his, we were moved to work as quickly as we could.”


Maria’s story highlights the critical role of different supportive services in refugee relocation, particularly in situations involving extreme danger and persecution. Her efforts, along with those of her colleagues, showcase the power of community and the profound impact of effective communication.


Language services are indispensable in supporting refugees through their relocation journeys. They provide access to essential services, facilitate legal processes, support mental health, and enhance social integration. The story of Maria and her work with a refugee from Uganda illustrates the life-changing potential of these services. As we continue to witness global displacement, the need for skilled interpreters and translators will only grow, underscoring the importance of language as a bridge to safety, understanding, and a new beginning.

best certified interpreter services, Certified Translation Professional

Navigating Difficult Client Calls: A Guide to Professionalism and Poise

Handling difficult clients over the phone is an art that requires patience, tact, and professionalism. Whether they’re agitated, rude, or simply hard to please, your response can make or break the interaction.
Here are some tips to help you navigate these challenging situations while maintaining your composure and upholding professional standards:

  1. 1. Stay Calm and Collected: Regardless of the client’s demeanor, keep your cool. Take deep breaths if needed, and remember that your goal is to resolve the issue at hand professionally.


  1. 2. Listen Attentively: Let the client express their concerns without interruption. Active listening not only demonstrates respect but also helps you understand the root cause of their frustration.


  1. 3. Empathize and Validate: Show empathy by acknowledging their feelings, even if you don’t agree with their perspective. Phrases like “I understand why you’re upset” or “I can see why that would be frustrating” can go a long way in diffusing tension.


  1. 4. Maintain Professional Language: Avoid responding in a confrontational or defensive manner, even if the client is being disrespectful. Use neutral language and avoid taking things personally.


  1. 5. Set Boundaries: While it’s important to be understanding, it’s equally crucial to assert boundaries if the client crosses the line into rudeness or unprofessional behavior. Politely but firmly remind them of the expected standards of communication.


  1. 6. Offer Solutions, Not Arguments: Focus on finding solutions rather than engaging in arguments. Propose practical steps to address their concerns and reassure them that you’re committed to resolving the issue.


  1. 7. Seek Clarification if Necessary: If the client’s concerns are unclear or exaggerated, politely ask for clarification to ensure you fully understand the situation before responding.


  1. 8. Know When to Escalate: In cases where the client becomes hostile or the conversation reaches an impasse, know when it’s appropriate to involve a supervisor or escalate the matter to higher management.


  1. 9. Follow-Up: After the call, follow up with the client to ensure that the issue has been resolved to their satisfaction. This demonstrates your commitment to customer service and leaves a positive impression.


  1. 10. Self-Care: Dealing with difficult clients can be emotionally draining. Take breaks between calls if needed, and don’t hesitate to seek support from colleagues or supervisors if you’re feeling overwhelmed.

By implementing these strategies, you’ll be better equipped to handle difficult clients with confidence and poise, ultimately leading to improved client relationships and a more positive working environment.

This advice applies not only to our interpreters but for anyone who interacts with clients on their daily routine. Doesn’t matter if you are customer service, sales manager or an interpreter, handling difficult interactions is a big part of our job. This is when our skills are really tested and we can demonstrate how capable we are under pressure.

Remember, every interaction, even the challenging ones, is an opportunity to demonstrate your professionalism and commitment to customer satisfaction. By approaching difficult client calls with empathy, patience, and a problem-solving mindset, you can turn potentially negative experiences into positive outcomes for both parties involved.

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Homeland Language Services Partners with Texas A & M University and Texas A&M Engineering Extension Services to Enhance Emergency Response Training

Homeland Language Services is proud to share news about an ongoing strategic partnership with Texas A&M University and the Texas A&M Engineering Extension Services (TEEX) to provide high-quality simultaneous interpreting services for a series of critical emergency response training sessions. These sessions, conducted by the Texas A&M National Emergency Response and Recovery Training Center (NERRTC), are designed to equip emergency responders with the skills needed to manage a range of incidents, from active shooter scenarios to pediatric disasters.

Homeland Language Services has been delivering onsite live interpreting services, specifically tailored for Spanish-speaking students. Our interpreters bring a wealth of experience in Police, Fire, and EMS interpretation, and ensure that all participants receive the highest level of understanding and engagement throughout the training. Each session spans two to three days, allowing for comprehensive coverage of each topic.

In addition to Spanish, Homeland Language Services also provided Mixteco interpreters for the training sessions held in April, demonstrating our commitment to inclusivity and our ability to cater to diverse linguistic needs.

Christian Lanazca, CEO of Homeland Language Services, honored the collaboration with TEEX, stating, “Our partnership with Texas A&M Engineering Extension Services is a testament to our dedication to delivering exceptional interpreting services. By bridging language gaps, we are not only enhancing the training experience for participants but also contributing to more effective emergency response efforts nationwide.”

The Texas A&M National Emergency Response and Recovery Training Center has expressed its satisfaction with the performance of Homeland Language Services, acknowledging the significant role our interpreters play in ensuring the success of these training sessions.

About Homeland Language Services:

Homeland Language Services specializes in providing high-quality simultaneous interpreting services with conference equipment for a variety of settings, including emergency response training. Our team of experienced interpreters is dedicated to bridging communication gaps and enhancing understanding across diverse linguistic communities.


About Texas A&M Engineering Extension Services:

Texas A&M Engineering Extension Services (TEEX) is a leader in the delivery of emergency response and recovery training. Through the National Emergency Response and Recovery Training Center (NERRTC), TEEX provides cutting-edge training programs designed to prepare emergency responders for a wide range of scenarios.

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Embracing the Comforts of Working from Home

Happy Work from Home Day! 🏡🎉

Today, we celebrate the incredible journey of remote work and the countless individuals who have embraced this new way of working. Whether you’re a seasoned remote worker or just starting your work-from-home adventure, today is a day to acknowledge and appreciate the flexibility, creativity, and resilience that remote work requires.

In the wake of the global pandemic, the concept of working from home has become more than just a trend; it has become a way of life for many. What was once seen as a temporary solution has now evolved into a new normal for countless individuals worldwide.

Working from home has also shown us the power of technology. With video calls, instant messaging, and collaboration tools, we can stay connected with colleagues and clients from anywhere in the world. This has not only kept businesses running smoothly but has also opened up new opportunities for remote work, allowing people to work for companies they wouldn’t have had access to otherwise.

That’s why, the Homeland Language Services team decided to share with you, our tips and tricks to have a smooth, successful and healthy day in the office, but from home😉

Here are a few of our main tips:

  1. Set up a dedicated workspace: Create a designated area in your home for work. This can help you mentally separate your work life from your personal life and reduce distractions. Make sure your workspace is comfortable, well-lit, and ergonomically comfortable to prevent injuries.
  2. Use a secure internet connection: Ensure that your home Wi-Fi network is secure by using a strong password and encryption.
  3. Establish boundaries: Set clear boundaries between your work and personal life. Establish a routine, take breaks, and try to maintain regular working hours to avoid burnout.
  4. Take care of your physical and mental health: Working from home can be isolating, so it’s important to prioritize your well-being. Stay active, take regular breaks, and seek support if you’re feeling overwhelmed.
  5. Stay connected: Stay in touch with your colleagues and manager through regular check-ins and team meetings. This can help maintain a sense of connection and collaboration while working remotely.
  6. Establish a routine: Set a schedule for your workday, including regular working hours, breaks, and mealtimes. Having a routine can help maintain a sense of normalcy and improve productivity.
  7. Use the 20-20-20 rule: Sitting in the same position for a long time has other harmful effects on the body. For example, it can cause neck, back, or shoulder pain. This method can help prevent eye strain when looking at screens. For every 20 minutes a person looks at a screen, they should look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds.

Hopefully, this will be helpful to you and any other work-from-home colleague!

But also, let’s take a moment to recognize and celebrate the achievements and milestones we’ve reached while working remotely. Whether it’s finding new ways to collaborate with colleagues, discovering innovative solutions to problems, or simply maintaining a sense of balance and well-being, every accomplishment is worth celebrating.

Happy work-from-home day from our team:

So here’s to you, the remote workers who have adapted, persevered, and thrived in the face of change. Your dedication, creativity, and resilience inspire us all.


Mother’s Day: Celebrating the Heart of the Home

The Homeland Language Services family would like to dedicate these words to all the incredible mothers out there. You are the heart and soul of our families, the ones who bring warmth, love, and strength into our lives every single day. Today, we celebrate you and all that you do.

Mother’s Day is not just about flowers, gifts, or grand gestures; it’s about acknowledging the immense sacrifices, love, and devotion that mothers pour into their roles every single day. It’s about recognizing the countless sleepless nights, the selfless acts of kindness, and the unwavering support they provide, often without seeking anything in return.

This celebration is not limited to biological mothers; it extends to all maternal figures who have played a nurturing and supportive role in our lives. Whether it’s a grandmother, an aunt, a stepmother, or a mentor, these women have left an indelible mark on our lives and deserve to be honored and celebrated on this special day.

To the new mothers who are experiencing the joys and challenges of parenthood for the first time, cherish every moment, for time flies by in the blink of an eye. Embrace the sleepless nights, the messy diapers, and the endless cuddles, for these are the moments that will shape your journey as a mother.

For this special occasion, we decided to talk to the moms behind the team of Homeland Language Services, the amazing women who keep us going strong every day!

We asked about their life as a parent and a full-time worker.

These were their thoughts:

Being a mom is already a 24-hour job, and I usually cope with my jobs and motherhood. But of all the jobs I ever had, being a mother has been the best, from the moment I found out that twins were coming my way!

When they come back from school at 5 pm I help them with homework until 9 pm and work at the same time. They are ghosts that appear behind the meeting background picture. However hard being a mother of twins is when they hug you and say, “Thank you, mom”, they make all the effort worth doing.”

  • Florencia Gomez, our Contract Manager, superhero mom of twins.

“Being a mom helped me work within the chaos. I am calm when my kids are playing and laughing. I make sure that I make time, and play with them before or after work. They are my inspiration and my motivation to keep going.”

  • Stella Mae Bautista, our Sales Manager, multitasking queen with 4 amazing kids.

My daughter is magical and makes the process easier. It’s funny because she brings me the computer and says, “Mom, here’s your work.” I’ve had to attend meetings while changing diapers, and divide my mind in two to be in two places at the same time, so I think being a mother and working at the same time trains your brain to be the champion of multitasking, ha-ha.

  • Ludmila Kobluk, our Talent Acquisition Specialist & Team Leader, mommy to one beautiful baby girl.

Being a mom is hard; having a job is hard. Then, what about being a working mom? Being a working mom is the most stressful thing I’ve ever experienced. Full of appointments, therapies, and meetings. Every day is a blessing and a learning experience, full of challenges to overcome. If it wasn’t enough, being a working mom of a child with special needs is completely different. Some days may be good, some others bad, but all days are hard, and I don’t wish my life was any different. The reality is that there’s no such thing as a perfect balance. It’s all about finding what works for your family and your business and making compromises when needed.”

  • Martina Viegas, our Translation Dept. Manager, super mom to the most beautiful little angel.

I’m going to be a mom soon, and I am so happy to be celebrating my first Mother’s Day. I’ve experienced all the ups and downs that come with being pregnant – from feeling tired and nauseous to being super emotional one moment and full of energy the next. But I’ve learned to go with the flow and listen to my body every step of the way. It’s all been worth it to experience this incredible journey into motherhood!”

  • Dana Molgaray, our Sales Representative, soon to be a first-time mommy.

I’m sure that the most important thing we develop (or at least we’re pushed to) while balancing our jobs and motherhood is our resilience, based on the infinite love we feel for our kids. Being a mother is dealing with a new challenge, a new and harder videogame level every day as our little ones grow. And It doesn’t matter how many hours of sleep we had, how are we feeling – we just go and juggle all our daily missions. We develop that superpower of going on every day, and doing what has to be done despite everything – and the main reason and source of this power, this inspiration for me, is absolutely my baby girl. It’s never been easy, but I just can’t see myself without my girl anymore.”

  • Larissa Mohalmen, our Team Leader, mom to one of our future co-workers.

On their special day, may we all take a moment to celebrate the remarkable women who have touched our lives with their love, wisdom, and grace. Whether you are a mother, grandmother, aunt, sister, or friend, your impact is immeasurable!

Above all, Mother’s Day is a time to say “thank you” – thank you for the love that knows no bounds, thank you for the sacrifices made, and thank you for the countless ways you have enriched our lives. To all the mothers out there, we honor you, we cherish you, and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

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