Tag Archives: best certified interpreter services

National Grammar Day: Celebrating the Beauty of Language

In March we celebrate National Grammar Day, a day dedicated to promoting the importance of good grammar and clear communication. As a reliable language service provider, we understand the value of proper grammar and the impact it can have on the way we communicate with others. From the written word to spoken language, grammar is an essential component of effective communication.

Grammar is the backbone of the language. It provides structure and clarity to our words, enabling us to convey our thoughts and ideas more effectively. Proper grammar can make the difference between being misunderstood and being clearly understood. It can help us avoid ambiguity, confusion, and miscommunication.

But good grammar isn’t just about avoiding errors. It’s also about celebrating the beauty of language. The way we use language can be a form of art, a way to express our creativity and personality. And proper grammar can enhance that artistry, giving us the tools we need to craft beautiful, eloquent sentences.

National Grammar Day is a reminder that good grammar is essential in all aspects of life. It’s not just important in academic or professional settings, but in our everyday conversations as well. By using proper grammar, we show respect for our listeners and convey our ideas more effectively.

We know that interpreting and translating also require a strong understanding of grammar. Interpreters and translators must not only have a deep knowledge of both the source and target languages but also a solid grasp of grammar rules and syntax.

  • When interpreting, the interpreter must be able to quickly and accurately convey the speaker’s message in real-time, taking into account cultural nuances and context. This requires a strong foundation in grammar to ensure that the message is conveyed accurately and clearly.
  • In translation, the translator must be able to convey the original message in a way that accurately captures the tone, meaning, and intent of the original text. This requires a deep understanding of the grammar rules and nuances of both languages.

National Grammar Day is a reminder of the importance of good grammar in all aspects of language use, including interpreting and translating. We take pride in our ability to facilitate clear communication across language barriers, and we recognize the role that proper grammar plays in achieving that goal.

Let’s celebrate National Grammar Day by continuing to sharpen our language skills, whether it be through speaking, writing, interpreting, or translating. By doing so, we can improve our ability to connect with others and enhance our understanding of the world around us. Raise a toast to the Oxford comma, embrace the complexities of verb tenses, and celebrate the wonder of words!

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Tips for effective week

We hope you had a great weekend and are ready for a new week filled with new challenges and opportunities. As a team of interpreters and translators, we know that inspiration is key to staying motivated and delivering high-quality work. So, we wanted to take a moment to wish you all a week filled with creativity, productivity, and success.

βœ… To help you make the most of your week, here are five small tips to stay effective:

🟒 Set clear goals: Start each day by setting clear and achievable goals. This will help you stay focused and motivated throughout the day.

🟒 Prioritize your tasks: Identify the most important tasks and tackle them first. This will help you avoid getting overwhelmed and ensure that you’re making progress on the most critical projects.

🟒 Take breaks: Don’t forget to take breaks throughout the day. This will help you stay energized and avoid burnout.

🟒 Stay organized: Keep your workspace and schedule organized. This will help you avoid distractions and stay on top of your tasks.

🟒 Collaborate: Don’t be afraid to collaborate with your colleagues. This will help you generate new ideas and improve the quality of your work.

⚑️ We hope you find these tips helpful and wish you a productive and inspiring week ahead!

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Happy Employee Appreciation Day to our amazing team! πŸ’ͺ

Today, we join the world in recognizing the hard work and dedication of employees across all industries. This day serves as a reminder to celebrate and appreciate the contributions of every team member, and we are proud to have such a talented and dedicated group on our team.

We want to take a moment to express our gratitude for your hard work, dedication, and commitment to our company. Without your contributions, we wouldn’t be where we are today. We appreciate everything you do and want to thank you for making our workplace a great place to be. Thank you for being an essential part of our success.

Ernesto Lanazca, COO & Co-founder, Homeland Language Services:

“The key to any company’s success is the quality of its employees, Homeland Language Services feels very fortunate to have loyal and dedicated employees like every One of you. Your tireless long hours of work and late emails do not go unnoticed!Β Β Β 

Our hearts are filled with respect and appreciation toward you.

Thank you!”


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We are IN LOVE with LANGUAGES and OUR JOB! ❀️

Today, we want to shout that we are IN LOVE with LANGUAGES and OUR JOB! ❀️

Homeland Language Services team greets you cordially this Valentine’s Day and wishes you to love everything you do in your life, especially your work.
Especially because nowadays, we spend the biggest amount of our time in our workspaces. See how everybody in our team created their home offices to do the job they love.

Homeland Language Services provides language services with love!❀️

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Ventura County Medical Department Testimonial

Ventura County Medical Department started working with Homeland Language Services in 2019. Homeland Language Services provides Onsite interpreting services, prescheduled Over-the-Phone and Video Remote interpreting services, and translation services in 10 languages. Moreover, we provide this department with sufficient Sign Language interpreting services. We are happy to get confirmation of our reliability as a language partner.

“We have had fantastic collaborative and working relationships, any problems were resolved immediately and with the highest level of professionalism. The firm exceeded my expectations regarding services and is highly skilled in this area. Overall, I find them to be responsive and very professional. We are very satisfied with their services,” – Cynthia, Equity Services Manager at Ventura County Medical Department.

The scope of work covers almost 5,000 language services during the period of our cooperation. Our interpreters and translators are working in Spanish, Mixteco, Cambodian, Vietnamese, Tagalog, Cantonese, Farsi, Arabic, Thai, English, and American Sign Language for Ventura County Medical Departments.

The Ventura County Medical Departments provide healthcare and treatment services. They play an important role as an integrated component of the Ventura County Health Care Agency. The team of Homeland Language Services is happy to help Ventura County Medical Department provide its services and achieve its mission. They promote wellness through a whole-person care approach where clients and families are empowered by appropriate, accessible, timely, culturally sensitive, and collaborative health services. With the help of our language services, they can do that with high quality and without language barriers.

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Note-taking tips for medical interpreters from interpreters in Homeland Language Services

The job of a medical interpreter requires a good memory, but it is still difficult to remember all the important details, especially when the speech for interpretation is long. The good news is that there are useful tips for effective note-taking, which can help a medical interpreter to catch all the details.Β 

  1. 1. Use keywords and abbreviations.Β 

It is better to focus on the KEYwords and phrases, instead of writing full sentences. You will save time and demonstrate a good speed of your interpreting. If you need to remember a complete sentence, use the abbreviations where possible. But you need to learn them and keep your glossary updated. Find one of the examples here.

  1. 2. Write down the keywords and terms in a particular order.

Try to write important terms and words in the order of a timeline. This method will help you to keepΒ  track of the conversation and circle back to smaller details, those mentioned earlier in the conversation..Β 

  1. 3. Use pictures and symbols.

If you can draw sketches and read them for interpreting, definitely use this method! Doodling improves memory, so it is an additional benefit for you.Β 

Moreover, with the help of symbols andΒ  highlights you can indicate the main points of the conversation.

Our Arabic-English interpreter invented his own style of sketches. Ahmed AbouZekry from Egypt makes the illustrations from his notes for medical interpretation. Have you seen such notes before?

  1. 4. Group main ideas.

It is a good way to write down the main idea of the conversation or a part of it, and then to add supporting ones. This way you can create word clouds that will help you see all the information you needΒ  at the same time.Β 

  1. 5. Use the “Subject, Verb, Object” method.Β 

The Subject, Verb, Object (or SVO) variant is part of a note-takingΒ  methodΒ  first introduced by Jean-Francois Rozan in his 7 principles. It is performed exactly as its name describes..

On a piece of paper, write down the subject, verb, and object of each sentence you are listening to in descending order, diagonally to the right. Each new sentence or topic is separated by a horizontal line on a page.

Writing the main parts of the sentence, and in a way that shows their hierarchical relationship to each other, will help you better remember what was said.


Note-taking is one of the best tools that you can use during consecutive medical interpretation. Now you have tips on how to help yourself during the interpreting of medical calls. Try to practice them! You need some time to make it a habit and to use it in your daily work routine, so keep your head up and try to do this every day!

If you need interpretation or translation services, send us your request.Β 

In case you want to work at Homeland Language Services, check our Career portal.Β 

best certified interpreter services, Blog, Interpreting Service, Language Interpreting Service, Medical Translation Services
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Happy Independence Day, America!

The 4th of July is a federal holiday in the United States of America since 1941, but Independence Day celebrations go back to the 18th century and the American Revolution.

The story was the following: on the very beginning of July 1776, the Continental Congress voted in favor of independence. After that on the 4th of July delegates from the 13 colonies adopted the Declaration of Independence. This historic document was drafted by Tomas Jefferson. That’s why from 1776 to the present day, July 4th has been celebrated as the birth of American independence.

It is a great holiday with festivities, fireworks, parades, and concerts. Also, it is a traditional day for family gatherings and barbecues.

As usual, we found some interesting facts about this day. We believe interpreters and translators should deep in the history and culture of countries, which languages they are using for their job.

So, did you know?

– The first effective celebration took place in 1776 in Philadelphia. There was the first public reading of the Declaration of Independence, and the ringing of the Liberty Bell.
– The first celebration in the White House was held in 1801.
– In 1938, Congress formalized Independence Day as an official paid federal holiday.
– In 1960, the current 50-star flag debuted after Alaska and Hawaii became states in 1959.
– That one American president Calvin Coolidge was born on the 4th of July in 1872.

And some non historical facts here:

– There were only about 2.5 million people living in the United States in 1776. This number is dramatically different from the 332 million people that live in the USA today!
– There is a popular myth that Benjamin Franklin proposed the turkey as the national symbol, but it was overruled by John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, who recommended the bald eagle.
– Americans consume a lot of hot dogs on July 4th. About 150 million, to be exact. According to the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council, Los Angeles residents alone consume about 30 million pounds of hot dogs on July 4th.
– There are other countries that celebrate America’s independence on the Fourth of July. Countries like Denmark, England, Norway, Portugal, and Sweden all take part in hosting commemorations for the holiday. This is in part to honor their many citizens who emigrated to the U.S., but also as a move to attract tourists.
– There are 31 towns in the U.S. that contain the word ‘liberty.’
The largest town is Liberty, Missouri, with a population of 32,865.

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Interpreters VS Translators: Why are they different?

Both interpreters and translators help our world to live and develop. They are bridging the gap between different languages, countries, and cultures. Thanks to the work of language specialists the world economy, the medical industry, and the legal sphere work like a clock.Β 

We are constantly talking about two job positions: interpreters and translators. It is time to define the differences between them!


Interpreters do the talking.

Translators do the writing.Β 

But let’s dig in more.

Interpreter talks.Β 

Interpreters work with spoken or sign languages. They convert speech from a source language into a target language and vice versa. Interpretation also has different kinds, such as Over-the-Phone, Onsite, and Video-Remote interpretation.Β 

Interpretation is far more than having a decent knowledge of two languages. The language specialist should be aware of the cultural features, be tolerant and keep a calm tone of voice.Β 

Interpretation in two directions:

Nowadays, most interpreters work in two directions. That means interpreters transfer information both to and from the target and source languages. It is more common for Over-the-Phone, Video Remote interpretation. Meanwhile, Onsite interpretation can have only one direction. For example, Conference interpreters interpret from the source language to the target language and that’s it.Β 

Main types of interpretation:

Simultaneous interpreting is a type of interpretation when a language specialist listens to and comprehends the source language and simultaneously provides an interpretation in a target language.Β 

Such type of interpretation is widely used in the court, international meetings, and television news broadcasts.Β 

Consecutive interpreting allows the language specialist to listen to several complete sentences in the source language and then interpret them in a target language. Consecutive interpretation is the usual method of communication for OPI, VR interpretation, and small and face-to-face meetings.Β 

Specialization in interpreting:

To be effective, the accurate majority of interpreters choose their specialization. They often specialize themselves in certain areas like medicine, law, business, finance, technology, government, social services, or culture.

To provide high-quality services, the interpreter should always improve his or her knowledge in both languages he or she works with.Β 


Translator writes.

Translators work with written text, converting a message in the source language into a message in the target language. It is far more than replacing one word with another. The translator should see and understand the context, the cultural characteristics, moreover the translator should save the style and the tone of the incoming text.Β 

One direction, but a good knowledge of both languages:

Translators get the text in one language and translate it into another one. In most cases, they have one target language and it can be their native one. But sometimes, the translator can work with several languages, for example, he can work in such language pairs as English-Spanish and English-Portuguese.Β 

Specialization in translation:

The same as interpreters, good translators also have specialization in definite niches. This way they can continuously improve and deepen their knowledge in terminology and communication features in the languages they work.Β 

That’s the major difference between these two language jobs.

When you are searching for an interpreter near you or a translator near you, pay attention to their experience, specialization, and feedback from clients. Or you can consult with a specialist or a language provider about what type of specialist you need. For example, Homeland Language Services managers will be happy to find the best solution for you personally, or for your business.Β 

If you are a translator or interpreter, who is reading this text and searching for a job, please, follow our Career portal link and apply for your new career stage!


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World Refugee Day in 2022

Can you imagine that you need to leave your home, your country, and flee to another? And it wasn’t your choice. Every minute 20 people undergo this awful experience and become refugees.

It is very important to support refugees. But how we can do that if we even don’t know about them? Today the topic of refugees is more spread and visible in daily news due to the war in Ukraine. Russian invasion highlighted lots of world problems and the problem of refugees is among them.

The concept of seeking a place to save a life dates back as far back as Ancient Egypt was. But the international efforts to protect refugees started only at the beginning of the 20th century. The High Commission for Refugees was founded by the League of Nations in 1921. Again it was intended to help people escape the Russian Revolution.

During the past century, people have fled terror and oppression all over the world, from such countries as Armenia and Germany, Spain and Turkey. In recent years many refugees were displaced from Afghanistan, Somalia, South Sudan, and Syria. At the end of 2021, there were 70 million displaced people all over the world, and now this number increases enormously.

The ultimate goal for refugees is to return to their home country when it is safe for them to do it. Unfortunately, often it is impossible for years. Meanwhile, refugees aim to integrate into their host nation. Frequently, people, who leave their native country don’t know foreign languages. So their adaptation process becomes even more complex.

It is a simple practice when refugees use language services. Moving to another country people often need translation services. They need to translate their documents, and application forms. Moreover, lots of countries require personal presence to apply for refugee status in special organizations. and this is the case when refugee needs interpretation services. Nowadays, it is a great opportunity to get different interpreting services. The refugee can choose the onsite interpretation, so the interpreter will be next to him, or Over-the-Phone interpretation, so the refugee will receive interpreting services in any place he needs.

The integration process in a new country is difficult and lengthy. The basic needs: food and shelter are covered the first of all. At these locations, volunteers work, and often they know the native language of refugees or are bilingual. Such practice for interpreters and translators is a priceless experience, considering what a great job they are doing. After refugees are accommodated, social and cultural integration starts. It depends on the mental and physical state of the refugee, so the process can also be long and not so easy.

Interpreters and translators at Homeland Language Services have huge experience in working with such sensitive situations. They all worked with clients on social issues, the healthcare and insurance sphere, and career-building. Moreover, they can be a confidential helper during the legal processes too.

Language specialists together with social and medical workers, volunteers, and government officers like no one else know the painful issues for refugees and can advise them partially.

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How is the process of immigration to the USA bound by language services?

In January 2022, the total immigrant population in the USA hit 46,6 million people according to the Census Bureau’s monthly Current Population Survey. It is the highest number ever in the history of America. Despite the Covid-19 travel restrictions, the foreign-born population rebounded dramatically after President Biden’s victory. Reasons for that were restarting of visa processing overseas and the surge of illegal immigration at the border. However, the 1,6 million increase over the last year is quite large and significant.Β 

Whenever we speak about immigrants or foreign-born people, we mean people with native languages different from English. Of course, some of them have learned English at school or University, so they can freely communicate in English and solve their problems. But the majority don’t know English. That’s why there is a huge network of language providers. Homeland Language Services, one of them, provides non-English speaking people comprehensive interpreting and translating services in different spheres of their “new life”. For example, interpreting services are very much needed for legal and social issues (from filling in the form in order to get the Green card to getting food stamps for the family), in healthcare and medical support (from taking out the insurance to visiting the doctor’s appointment).Β 

Going back to the background of immigration process development, we need to state that the United States of America has been the main country destination for international migrants since 1970. Since then, the number of foreign-born people residing in the country has more than quadrupled – from less than 12 million in 1070 to near 50 million in 2022. This amount is the highest percentage in 112 years – immigrants are 14,2 percent of the total population.Β 

More than 40 percent of all international migrants worldwide in 2020 (115 million) were born in Asia, with nearly 20 percent primarily originating from six Asian countries including India, China, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Philippines, and Afghanistan. Mexico was the second-largest country of origin, and the Russian Federation was the third. Several other European countries have sizable populations of emigrants, including Ukraine, Poland, the United Kingdom, Romania, and Germany.Β 

States with the largest increase in the immigrant population from January 2020 to January 2022 are Florida (up 531,000), Virginia (up 268,000), Texas (up 263,000), California (up 212,000), Indiana (up 205,000), Tennessee (up 198,000) and New Jersey (up 183,000).Β 

Nowadays, it is much easier to access the language needed by means of interpreters and translators. Homeland Language Services has a huge team of professionals who work remotely. We provide interpreting services that can be accessed from any city or state. The foreign-born individual can get the needed social service in his native language with the help of an Over-the-Phone interpreter or attend a telemedical appointment with a doctor with the help of a Video-remote interpreter. These services are affordable and easy to use because the certified interpreter can be in touch at any time and in any place, just a device, like a smartphone or computer, is needed. Our services are available in more than 100 languages.

Furthermore, our company has offices in California, Florida, New York, and Texas states. We can provide onsite interpreting services as well. There are some cases when an interpreter offline is needed for the meeting. Homeland Language Services offers simultaneous and consecutive interpretations.Β 

Taking into account the current world situation, which has been changing since February 24th, 2022 when Russia started the military invasion in Ukraine, we expect an increase of Ukrainian and Russian-speaking refugees all over the world and in America too. Day after day our sales department searches for new partners to be helpful with language services. At the same time, our interpreters and translators work 24/7 to fulfill the current demand in Over-the-Phone interpretation and translation services.Β 


best certified interpreter services, Best Document Language Translation Services near me, Blog, Certified Translation Professional, Certified Translation Service, Language Interpreting Service, Medical Translation Services, Video remote interpreter, VRI
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