Homeland Language Services has been recently certified in the State of New York as a Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Business (SDVOB) program

We are pleased to announce that Homeland Language Services has been recently certified in the State of New York as a Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Business (SDVOB) program.

This Act promotes and encourages the participation of Service-Disable Veteran-Owned Businesses in the State’s public procurement of public works, commodities, services, and technology to promote and advance economic development in New York State.

Homeland Language Services can serve the public sector of the state with comprehensive interpreting and translating services. We are looking for a greater role in the State’s economy by increasing our participation in the State’s contracting opportunities.

“We are very excited about this new certification. Our company already has the experience working with the public sector in many states, building trust & credibility among our clients. We are ready to position Homeland Languages Services as one of the most dependable and cost-effective Interpreting & Translating services across the State,” – Ernesto Lanazca, COO & Co-founder of Homeland Language Services.

For over 6 years Homeland Language Services has been a reliable partner of language services. Our interpreters and translators work for the most important industries in the country, including medical and healthcare providers, government and legal services, and social and educational organizations.

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Stories of volunteers in Homeland Language Services

Volunteers selflessly benefit the lives of others. The people, who volunteer, make the world a better place. Volunteer Recognition Day acknowledges the beauty of this phenomenon. Every day there is a place for help. You can help other people, animals, and nature. 

We are proud to share stories of Homeland Language Services’ employees who volunteer and try to make this world better. 

“From February 24th lots of people in my country, Ukraine, became volunteers. So did I. I helped our army and volunteering organizations with money from the start of the war, which was initiated by Russia. I don’t count how I helped my family in occupied Chernihiv, because it is my family. I had to help them with evacuation, electric generator, money, and medications. Moreover, in the city where I live, Dnipro, I help the shelter for refugees with clothes. During the war, I made lots of free translations of documents. Just because I can. 

Each Ukrainian person, who has enough power and mental strength to do something in such a situation, tries to help with useful information, money, clothes, food, and drugs. During the war, we see an unbelievable amount of volunteers and volunteering organizations. Lots of them are working under the fire, a lot of them were killed and injured… Nowadays, volunteers are the second heroes after militaries,” – Kseniya Tarasova, Homeland Language Services. 


“I volunteered with Amnesty International in Bangkok. I set up a program for refugee children to get scholarships at international schools in Thailand. Children from Myanmar, Eritrea, Congo and other countries where they came from as refugees could study at schools completely free because of the project that we started,” – Kirill Konin, Homeland Language Services. 

“I am a volunteer translator for a Foundation in my home country Venezuela called Fundacion Madre Maria Luisa Casar. It is a school for 400 children located in a high-risk area of Caracas called Petare. They provide education, nutrition, and health services for the children and their families, as well as to the community where they are located. As a volunteer, I am in charge of translating their monthly newsletters for the Global Giving fundraising platform, as this is their main source of funding. This project is very dear to me and it is a blessing to be able to contribute,” – Gabriela Salas, Homeland Language Services. 


“I had a kind of volunteering experience in Africa. I was there for around 10 days in 2020 (January). I saw how kids living in really poor areas are involved in education with unsuccessful methodologies, unfortunately, and the lack of organization, which is hugely afflicting locals. 

I was with my Kenyan friend, Betty, and on that particular occasion, she could explain to me a bit more about the habits of the community as well as the diseases that kids or adults are subjected to seasonally. We tried to run our own NGO that was aimed to build a school in the area of Kilifi, but then, the virus came and we had to stop running it. 

We are planning, however, to start it again soon! :)” – Sara Mazzuoli, Homeland Language Services. 


“I’m so glad to hear there are so many of us (volunteers) and the number keeps on growing.  

I’ve been a volunteer for over a decade in a local NGO helping people after mental crises and those diagnosed with severe mental illnesses. It’s worth mentioning that the city I live in, Szczecin, is one of the biggest cities in Poland. Yet my organization is just a drop in the ocean of needs. However, thanks to volunteers and municipal support we celebrated the 17th anniversary this year and ain’t gonna stop.

I teach English in this NGO and give overall language support. Now and then I also act as a tour guide or a cleaning lady. My point is that there is always something to be done and everyone has skills to share, ever the slightest support matters. So it’s worth sharing your time, even an hour weekly to help. 

There is great power if people act together and every little help counts. Plus those who are being helped are mostly great teachers we learn from the big time,” – Małgorzata Gajda, Homeland Language Services.

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Fast Translation Service

Why you Need a Certified Translation Professional to Localize Your Healthcare Website

A language services company offers a combination of interpretation, localization, and translation services. As a result, it assists healthcare providers to translate the content of their healthcare websites into target languages spoken by diverse clients. A quality language services company has interpreters and translators on staff that have the much-needed expertise in the field of healthcare. Qualified translation companies come with a wealth of previous experience assisting healthcare providers to navigate constantly changing regulations and rules of language in their industry. In addition, they have certifications in the medical field, which will help you enhance your patient experience. Here is a detailed description of the top reasons why you need to engage a language translation company to localize your healthcare website.

Increased Productivity for Medical Staff

A healthcare provider’s website is the first point of contact for patient access. Therefore, it is important that the information is translated as accurately as possible. Utilizing certified translation professionals can reduce the time medical staff spends engaged in tasks outside patient care. For instance, rather than spend time explaining hospital policies to patients with limited proficiency in English, the medical staff concentrates on other duties aimed at making their work more useful. In essence, undistracted medical staff means more prompt healthcare for all patients.

New Patient Acquisition

There is a strong positive correlation between providing content in your customers’ native languages and the likelihood of that customer requesting a service. It follows that translating your healthcare website into multiple languages puts you in a better position to attract new patients. Hence, if you are a healthcare provider who aims at acquiring new patients within the community you serve then it makes sense to localize your website with new languages.

Improved Patient Health Outcomes

Offering better services to patients with limited English proficiency can improve patient health outcomes. Patients with limited English proficiency are more likely to have adverse effects from being misunderstood by their physicians, low health literacy, poor understanding of diagnoses, and drug complications. Healthcare websites are one of the most visible patient communication tools. As such, making sure they are accurately translated ensures improved outcomes. When you engage a certified translation professional, you undoubtedly improve this communication.

Improved Patient Experience

Healthcare websites are used by people to accomplish three essential tasks easily: finding the right healthcare provider to get treatment, retrieving medical records, and paying bills. In this regard, it is important to engage a certified translation professional to provide competent care.

At Homeland Language Services, our translators are HIPAA compliant and bound by a Language Interpreter Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics. This attribute ensures that the information disclosed remains strictly confidential and that translation is performed professionally.

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Certified Translation Professional Houston

Advantages to Hiring a Translator from Certified Translation Professional Houston

Hosting a public event with all kinds of people from different cultures will require a professional translator to ensure equal access to information to every person. While getting a translator might seem easy to hire, and with many sites available for off-site translation services, not every person offering translation is certified.  Because of this certified translation professional, Houston has all it takes for a deemed fit and qualified translator for any event.

A professional translator should write, read, and speak in English and the local language, merely being fluent in both languages. Being articulate is the main feature portrayed by a translator. There are ways to know a professional translator, and here are some guidelines.

Translation Certification and Accreditations

A professional translator should have an accreditation indicating their prowess and mastery in translation. Certification will show the translator has the right skills necessary to offer translation. Some schools and colleges offer courses on translation, and to become a certified translator in Houston, one can enroll. Like the International Medical interpreters Association, some organizations usually have names of translators with their accreditations on their websites. If looking for a medical translator, check out the website to confirm the certifications.

Enough Experience from the Translation Industry

A significant thing from Certified translation Professional Houston, all the translators have enough experience in the necessary field to offer quality translations. Many translators started from entry level tasks, but the need for an experienced translator is unrivaled. The translators have samples and a great resume portraying their skills and experience in offering translation services. Hiring professional translators should be easy, as many will be through recommendations.

Two Times fast in Work rate

In a public event, when the speakers want to deliver information to every person simultaneously, the translator should have a faster turn around time to communicate the information. A fluent translator should have no problem with information passing and translation. Every public event should enable every person to participate fully and give out their comments, as such a good speed in translation is necessary. A translator should handle all this information at the same time and make everybody feel satisfied.

For off-site translation, the work turnaround time should make those needing translation to be ahead in information delivery and move to other assignments.

High Accuracy in Translation from Certified Translation Professional in Houston

Not every language can be translated word for word. But a translator should find it easy to translate such content and make them portray the same meaning as the source language. High accuracy translation ensures full information delivery, therefore a better understanding from the target audience. In addition, accurate translation prevents errors from occurring in specific fields like in medical areas that can be fatal, and the field is highly dependable on translations.

Understanding both Cultures

A certified translation expert should understand both cultures when translating and deliver information in the target audience’s dialogue. The message should portray the same cultural characteristics depicted from the source language to the target language readers or audience. Therefore, cultural awareness of the different cultures is essential for a certified translator, and all of this is possible with certified translation professional, Houston

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Certified Translation Professional

Houston’s Deaf Community Confronting Communicating Complication Due to Face Masks

For keeping the locals of a state informed with updates of deadly spreading coronavirus, it is essential to keep the communication alive and intact irrespective of condition. In the process meanwhile, a public official has been seen finding it difficult to convey information to the deaf community. This is why on almost every announcement, an ASL interpreter gesturing near the podium while the officials make announcements.

The issues became even more complex because of marks on the faces of interpreters. Everyone who is linked with industry or knows about American Sign Language (ASL) is well- aware of the importance of signs, and facial expressions. The pandemic has routed another path for difficulty for the deaf community.

At the same point, understanding the delicacy of marks for protection as per the demand of the situation is also necessary, but we also cannot ignore the difficulties deaf communities are facing. Homeland Languages Services comes up with transformational solutions. We work hard each day to make communication convenient without out-breaking the prevention guidelines stated by the Government.

You can also take the benefits of remote services by simply contacting us. We will assign you a qualified and certified interpreter or translator for professional services in Houston. To help you with all our problems developed due to language barriers, Homeland Language Services will be available 24/7 during this pandemic period as always.

Our Customer’s satisfaction is most essential to us. We make sure all our translators and interpreters are highly qualified and certified to deliver respective services to ensure the quality of service. All of them are working marvelously to assist the people in need of the service during the global medical crisis period.

You can also avail the service of a certified translation professional in Houston. If you are in need of these services, get in touch with us now.

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