Homeland Language Services is a place of professional growth

Homeland Language Services is a place of professional growth, and we are happy to share today with you the success history of our Translation Department Manager, Martina Viegas.

We are sure that we need to give a voice to our employees. This way, we want to show our values not only in the corporate presentation or on our website but from real people who work in our company.

Join us and discover her career path with us, and how she grew in those years. Additionally, discover some useful tips for your career as a linguistic professional.

  • What did you like in your interpreting job? What were the challenges?

I started working here in December 2020 as an English-Spanish Interpreter, and it was a lovely experience. Still, it was also challenging because sometimes the native speakers do not use words or phrases as they should so it can lead to mistranslation, misinterpretation, misunderstanding, or even misrepresentation of facts. To avoid that we always have to be very clear for that, we have to clarify what is needed. This is very important for us, and this is the worst challenge I believe, but it is also a very good experience because you learn a lot and you have the opportunity of helping others. If you are not there, they are not able to understand each other so you are an excellent tool for them, you are very useful, and I believe this is the best thing.

  • How did you start your new career stage?

Some months after that I started working as a freelance translator for the translation department, so I really appreciate this opportunity. I believe I could grow a lot with this project I started receiving. One year and a half after that I became part of the staff, so I became the linguist quality coordinator of the translation department. I was grateful for that opportunity, and I was also grateful to my mentor Florencia Gomez, she taught me a lot of things, she taught me how to handle clients, how to handle projects how to handle meetings and translations, how to deliver good quality projects so I really appreciate her teaching me and including me in everything.

  • What skills helped you to get promoted to a new position? (or not skills)

Thanks to my mentor, a year after that, so now, in October 2023 I became the translation department manager and I am really grateful for this amazing opportunity I really like being here but I need to say that you don’t sleep, you don’t rest and this is something that comes when you do something you love, because you have to make a lot of effort to do it, you have to work hard, you have to patient, you have to be positive, you have to be resilient, because sometimes things can go wrong, but you have to be strong enough to say okay yes I made this mistake but I am strong enough to learn from that and continue going, I can keep going despite of that so I believe this is the best learning from each experience and becoming a better professional.

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