
The Scariest Moments in Interpretation: Real Stories from the Front Lines

Interpreters often find themselves in intense, unpredictable, and sometimes downright terrifying situations. From crisis calls to chilling encounters, these brave professionals step into the unknown, bridging communication gaps where words are both the connection and the defense. In honor of October’s spooky theme, we’re sharing some of the scariest experiences…

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How to Make Your Interpreter Experience Smooth and Effective

When you ask for an interpreter, whether it’s over the phone or in person, the key to getting the most out of the service is cooperation and understanding. Interpreters are trained professionals who work hard to ensure that communication flows seamlessly between all parties. However, there are a few things…

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How to Handle Clients Who Speak Over You: A Guide for Interpreters

As an interpreter, you are the bridge that ensures clear communication between parties who don’t share a common language. Your role is crucial, but sometimes clients may speak over you or interrupt, making it difficult to perform your duties effectively. Handling these situations requires professionalism, patience, and the ability to…

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Essential Guidelines for Interpreters: Navigating Emergency Calls During Natural Disasters

In times of natural disasters, clear communication can be a matter of life and death. Interpreters play a critical role in ensuring that information is accurately conveyed to individuals who may not speak the language used by emergency responders. These situations can be high-pressure, emotional, and rapidly changing, but the…

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Handling Sensitive Topics as an Interpreter: Navigating Emotional Terrain with Professionalism and Self-Care

Interpreters often find themselves in the middle of emotionally charged conversations. Whether it’s interpreting the loss of a patient, discussing a sensitive topic like abortion, or delivering bad news, the emotional toll can be significant. These moments not only impact the clients but can also deeply affect the interpreter, making…

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Mastering the Art of First-Person Interpreting: Tips for Professional Interpreters

In the world of interpreting, using the first-person perspective is a fundamental skill that ensures clarity, accuracy, and professionalism. First-person interpreting, where the interpreter speaks as if they are the client or speaker, fosters direct communication between the parties involved and creates a more authentic experience. However, mastering this technique…

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Interpreting as a Superpower: The Unsung Heroes Behind the Scenes

In a world that grows more connected by the day, the role of interpreters often goes unnoticed. Yet, they are the invisible threads holding together the fabric of communication, enabling people to access essential services, from medical care to legal assistance, without the barrier of language. At Homeland Language Services,…

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From Interpreter to Leader: The Inspiring Journey of Facundo Centeno at Homeland Language Services

At Homeland Language Services, we often witness incredible stories of personal growth and professional development. One such story is that of Facundo Centeno, whose path from a passionate interpreter to a dedicated team leader inspires us all. Facundo’s journey began unexpectedly. He recalls, “When I first applied to Homeland, I was…

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