Document Translation Service English to Spanish

Essential Tips for Transitioning to at-Home Education for English-Language Learners

The need to adapt to social distancing protocols has made at-home education the new norm for teachers. Transitioning teaching from the classroom to the virtual at-home environment has its challenges. First and foremost, teachers may experience a challenge on how to effectively teach English Learners (EL) remotely. In addition, communicating with parents or guardians of these students who may also have limited English proficiency (LEP) may be another hurdle. Here are essential tips for teachers to make transitioning to an at-home learning environment easier for English learning students.

Translate Updated School Rules and Policies
When transitioning to a remote learning environment it is likely your school policies, student handbooks, rules, safety guidelines and disciplinary items will need to be updated. In order to make sure Spanish students and family members understand newly updated rules and expectations, you will want use Document Translation Service English to Spanish. Therefore, you’ll want to be proactive in your translation efforts to make sure these documents are available in Spanish.

Encourage Active Learning and Collaboration
Students learn better when they engage with the material, participate in the class, and collaborate with each other. Active learning is especially important for EL students because it gives them the ability to develop their English language skills. Since much of a student’s language learning can come from interacting with his or her peers, you will want to encourage this in the virtual classroom as much as possible.

Communicate with Families Using a Professional Interpreter
Successfully transitioning students to an at-home learning environment requires effective communication with parents and guardians. Trained bilingual staffs that can provide interpretation are ideal, but not all schools have them readily available. Therefore, a growing number of schools have partnered with us to get access to linguists on an as-needed basis. Such partnerships grant access to hundreds of languages that even the largest school districts could never staff for.

Make Quality Integral to Your Translation Process
Having formal quality control measures in place ensures that your communications resonate with your students across all languages. If you don’t have internal resources to dedicate to quality assurance, you can turn to Document Translation Service English to Spanish to meet your needs. When going this route, you’ll want to set up a workflow wherein files can be handed off for translation, and after an efficient and rigorous quality control process, you can receive back fully translated, formatted and localized documents.
