Success story in Ukrainian

As far as most of our clients are from the healthcare industry, today we will share a story about a new member of the Ukrainian family.

Young spouse Maria and Victor moved to Orlando two years ago, and now they are going to have a baby. We know about this story because the clinic that Maria and Victor visited requested over-the-phone interpretation services.

The doctor needed to review the baby’s ultrasound scan with the patient and explain to her the baby’s development. However, the patient did not speak English. Therefore, the doctor got on the phone and called Homeland Language Services for OPI assistance.

“I appreciate the high-qualified OPI interpreter from Orlando who I had on the line with me. It is always challenging when your patient doesn’t speak English, especially when talking about pregnant women. Talking with them, you should be very careful and calm because worries are contraindicated for them. Therefore in the conversation with Maria interpreter had a soft voice, understood and interpreted all the terminology I mentioned. I heard that the interpreter was able to empathy and eager to help,” – Lucy, obstetrician-gynecologist.

“Я дуже хвилювалась, коли йшла у клініку на обстеження, розуміючи, що я не розумію та не можу спілкуватися англійською. Проте, коли на лінії з’явився перекладач, мені стало спокійніше. Ми з чоловіком були так раді почути, що в нас буде дівчинка рідною українскою мовою. А ще більше зраділи, коли лікар разом із перекладачем нам пояснили, що дитина абсолютно здорова. Коли ти змінюєшь місце проживання з невідомою тобі мовою, ти потребуешь підтримки в різних ситуаціях. Дуже добре, що завдяки технологіям зараз можна скористатися послугами перекладача навіть по телефону,” – Maria, patient.

“I was very nervous when I went to the clinic on the test, considering that I don’t speak English. But when we got the OPI interpreter on the line. I felt more comfortable. My husband and I were pleased to hear in the native Ukrainian language that we will have a girl. Afterward, we became happier when the doctor and the interpreter explained, that our baby is absolutely healthy. If you move to a location with an unknown language, you need exceptional support in different life situations. Due to modern technologies, you can use the interpreting services even over the phone, and it is very beneficial,” – Maria, patient.